Oregon State Route 204 ‘Weston-Elgin Highway’

This is another one of those interesting Oregon mountain roads. I thoroughly enjoyed it, not to mention that it beats the living daylights out of taking the interstate and droning through the Blue Mountains. Nobody else seems to be on this road on the weekends, and I’d be willing to bet that it’s busier during… Continue reading Oregon State Route 204 ‘Weston-Elgin Highway’

Umatilla Forest Service Road 53 ‘Willow Creek Road’

Note: Google Maps and the other Navitech based online maps show that at least one routing of Willow Creek Road rolls right into downtown Heppner on Hager Street and the routing software really latches onto that direct route. This is not the case. From what I could see, that road has been on the bottom… Continue reading Umatilla Forest Service Road 53 ‘Willow Creek Road’

Umatilla Forest Service Road 52 ‘Soap Hill Road’

This road starts on the south edge of Ukiah and gently wends it way uphill into the heart of the Blue Mountains. Once you’re about 15 minutes in, you’ll start to see signs for various OHV riding and snowmobile areas, and shortly afterwards the road starts to get interesting with much tighter and more frequent… Continue reading Umatilla Forest Service Road 52 ‘Soap Hill Road’

Oregon State Route 402 ‘Kimberly-Long Creek Highway’

Back in 2007, I wrote the following and I think that it bears some further discussion: Long known by its name, the newly minted Oregon State Route 402, is considered by some Portland sport-riders to be a destination road in its own right. It’s a mere 35 miles long and links the towns of Kimberly… Continue reading Oregon State Route 402 ‘Kimberly-Long Creek Highway’