Washington State Route 203

Map of State Route 203 with nearby recommended roads: Covering Washington State Route 203, Preston-Fall City Rd, Fall City-Carnation Rd, Carnation-Duvall Rd., Tolt Hill Rd., Snoqualmie River Rd. Ames Lake/Carnation Rd, and Lake Alice Rd. State Route 203 Preston-Fall City Rd, Fall City-Carnation Rd, Carnation-Duvall Rd. 203 winds its way northward from I-90 up towards… Continue reading Washington State Route 203

Sagebrush Flats Road

Sagebrush Flats Road courtesy of John O’Callaghan Central Washington’s arid country often appears barren and drab to the casual, unfamiliar eye. But take a ride on some of our backroads and travel against the grain of I-90 and US 2 to find some sweeping vistas, dramatic coulees and even the odd winding road. While most… Continue reading Sagebrush Flats Road