Hurricane Ridge

The scene is set in the late Spring of 2007. A year not known for summery weather at best, it was decided that a trip out of Hurricane Ridge was in order. My wife has been demanding such a visit for years, and I was in no position to argue over such a visit. None… Continue reading Hurricane Ridge

Oregon State Route 103 ‘Fishhawk Falls Highway’

Oh Frabjous Joy! Or something to that effect. This road is a real kick in the pants, hidden in the Oregon Coast Range. Yes, it’s a bit short and is the shortest-distance route between Oregon Route 202 and US 26, but it’s still a gas. When I rode it this past summer, it was also… Continue reading Oregon State Route 103 ‘Fishhawk Falls Highway’

Oregon State Route 202

The first time that I rode through in August of 2007, the western stretch of this road was a wondrous piece of pavement with fresh, racetrack-smooth pavement that was to die for even in the wet. Then the paving stopped. And it became an adventure road. It was wet, gnarly, bumpy, frost-heavy, and oh yes,… Continue reading Oregon State Route 202