Located just outside of Culdesac Idaho is one of the neat little roads tucked away up on the hilltops of northern Idaho.
It’s an amazing old road, with emphasis on Old and a double word bonus of Narrow. The road is barely the width of one and a half lanes of a modern roadway, and this one doesn’t have anything that I’d call a shoulder.
The curves are very tight and typical of Idaho, the shoulder gravel is the same color as the roadway as it’s paved with local stone. Most of the curves are very tight: most of the outside curves have no guiderail to demarcate the outside edges and the ‘inside corners’ have oncoming traffic is usually coming across the inside of your lane.
It’s a great road though and the vista is well worth the trip, not only from the top but also from many points along the way up.
This is the wide section.
Lovely vistas.
- Road Name: Old Winchester Grade
- Counties: Lewis(ID), Nez Perce
- Length: 15 miles
- Towns: Culdesac, Lewis
There’s coffee and a diner in Culdesac in addition to a small supermarket. Up at the top and down the road in Winchester is a couple saloons, some lodging, and a market.
Overview Map:
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